Developing SDK Mods

Work in progress

Table of Contents

Setting up your Workspace

  1. Create a new folder to develop your mods within. The mod manager supports loading from multiple mods folders, so you can keep the mods you’re developing separate.

  2. Create a new file unrealsdk.user.toml in the game’s Plugins folder, and add the following content:

    console_log_level = "DWRN"
    debugpy = true
    # pyexec_root = "C:\\path\\to\\new\\mod\\folder"
    extra_folders = [
    • unrealsdk.console_log_level

      This sets the default log level. Setting it to DWRN, developer warning, will print some extra log messages to console, which are relevant for developers, but which we don’t want normal users to worry over.

    • pyunrealsdk.debugpy

      This enables debugpy support, which will let you properly attach a debugger.

    • pyunrealsdk.pyexec_root

      Changes the root directory used when running pyexec commands. You may want to redirect this to your new folder, so you can run files within it directly.

    • mod_manager.extra_folders

      This is a list of extra mod folders, which lets you keep your development folder separate from other mods.

  3. Download the latest version of debugpy, and extract to one of your mods folders such that it’s importable. The mod manager initialization script will automatically import it and start a listener.

  4. Extract the default .sdkmods, so you can see all the raw python source files (and so your IDE can parse them).

    Mods are generally released as a single .sdkmod file, since this helps prevent a lot of mistakes casual users might make while installing, but this is unsuitable for development.

    .sdkmod files are all just renamed zips, open them in any archive program and extract the inner folders back into the mods folder - go from sdk_mods/my_mod.sdkmod/my_mod/* to just sdk_mods/my_mod/*.

    Note that if you have both an extracted folder and a .sdkmod with the same name, the folder takes priority.

  5. Point your IDE at the other mods folders, so it can follow imports. This should be the base sdk_mods folder, and the sdk_mods/.stubs folder for the native modules.

    • In vscode, add to the python.analysis.extraPaths option.
  6. Configure your debugger for remote debugging, attaching to localhost:5678.

    • In vscode, use the Python: Remote Attach template.

    After doing this, launch the game and make sure you can attach.

After finishing setting up, try take a quick read through the base sdk mod files and the stubs. They are all filled with all sorts of type hints and docstrings, which should help explain a lot about how the SDK works.

Experimenting Using the Console

When you start experimenting with a concept, it’s easier to work in console than it is to write a full mod. The SDK registers two custom console commands:

py lets you run small snippets of python. By default, it executes one line at a time, stripping any leading whitespace.

py from mods_base import get_pc
py pc = get_pc()
py print(pc)

You can also use heredoc-like syntax to execute multiline queries. This happens if the first two non-whitespace characters are << (which is invalid python syntax for a single line).

py << EOF
is_hostile = get_pc().GetTeamComponent().IsHostile
for pawn in unrealsdk.find_all("OakCharacter", exact=False):
    if not is_hostile(pawn):

pyexec is useful for more complex scripts - it executes an entire file, relative to the location set in pyunrealsdk.pyexec_root previously. Note that this is not running a python script in the traditional sense, it’s instead more similar to something like eval(open(file).read()). The interpreter is not restarted, and there’s no way to accept arguments into sys.argv.

Adding to the Mod DB

The DB primarily sources info from your mod’s pyproject.toml. With a well configured pyproject, all you need to do is point the DB at it, and everything will be extracted automatically.

To add your mod, you’ll need to add a markdown file to either the _oak_mods or _willow2_mods folders in this site’s repo.

Simplest Configuration

The simplest possible file is the following. Make sure the url points at an auto-updating link, instead of a specific commit.


More Detailed Customization

Now the simplest config copies everything straight from the pyproject.toml. You may want to customize it further - e.g. you may want a more detailed description, adding images and/or videos.

You can overwrite your mod’s description simply by adding extra markdown to the end of the page.


# My cool mod
Look at this image:
![alt text](/assets/mods/oak/abcd/some_image.png)

Jekyll uses kramdown, which may support some extra syntax than what you’re used to.

In addition to those, there are two bits of the templating system you should probably know about:

  • When linking to something that’s part of the site, whether an image or another page, prefer using {{ "/path/to/file.txt" | relative_url }}. This ensures the link will get updated correctly if hosted under another url.

  • If you want to embed a youtube video, prefer using {% youtube %}.

Now the above lets you customize the description, but there’s still all the other info above it. You can overwrite these by setting front matter variables. If you’re not familiar with Jekyll, the “front matter” is a block of YAML configuration inbetween triple dashes at the top - you used it previously to set the pyproject_url.

Field Front matter pyproject.toml
Title title,
Author(s) author project.authors[n].name1
Latest Version version tool.sdkmod.version, project.version
Supported Games2 supported_games tool.sdkmod.supported_games
Coop Support coop_support tool.sdkmod.coop_support
License4 license tool.sdkmod.license, project.license.text5
Requirements dependencies project.dependencies
Misc URLs6 urls project.urls
Download Link download
Description The page contents project.description7

1 Multiple authors are concatenated in the order given.
2 An array of strings, with valid values of BL2, TPS and AoDK (case insensitive). If not given, defaults to all games.
3 One of Unknown, Incompatible, RequiresAllPlayers, or ClientSide. Defaults to unknown.
4 A table with keys name and url. Prefer linking to a summary site, rather than direct to your LICENSE.
5 Used as the name, with no url.
6 A dict where keys are the names and values are the urls.
7 HTML tags are stripped, rather than just being escaped.

Updating Info

While this site is statically generated, every time a mod page is loaded it fetches the pyproject and updates the page with any changes, the values fetched when the site is generated are only used as defaults (note that front matter overrides still take priority). This means you generally don’t need to touch the db again, changes will be picked up automatically.

There are a few exceptions to this, which are not automatically updated:

  • The title used in the sidebar and tab title (the header on the mod page does get updated).
  •, which is used for matching dependencies to their mod page.
  • The data powering the searchbar.
  • The fields which are always displayed will not be set to unknown if you completely delete their section in your pyproject, the old data is preferred. Requirements and Misc URLs are already hidden when not in use, so the updates will delete them.

If you make significant changes to your pyproject, it may be worth kicking off another build to update the static versions of these. Do note that this data is updated anytime the site is generated, someone else adding an unrealated mod will update yours.

Handling Missing Requirements

It’s recommended to put dependency version checks right at the top of your main, to make sure your mod only loads if everything is present, and to give users more helpful error messages.

One simple way of doing this is using asserts and __import__:

if True:  # avoids E402
    assert __import__("mods_base").__version_info__ >= (1, 4), "Please update the SDK"
    assert __import__("pyunrealsdk").__version_info__ >= (1, 3, 0), "Please update the SDK"
    assert __import__("unrealsdk").__version_info__ >= (1, 3, 0), "Please update the SDK"
    assert __import__("ui_utils").__version_info__ >= (1, 0), "Please update the SDK"

    from mods_base import Game

    assert Game.get_current() == Game.BL3, "The Hunt Tracker only works in BL3"

It’s easiest to set your required versions to be >= the version you’re currently developing with, rather than searching through history to find the oldest possible compatible one.

Now asserts make for nice and simple code, but not all users check console before going out and complaining. As an alternative, you can open a page in their browser instead - this site provides two for that purpose.

    assert __import__("mods_base").__version_info__ >= (1, 5), "Please update the SDK"
except (AssertionError, ImportError) as ex:
    import webbrowser"")
    raise ex

The ?mod= query parameter should be set to your mod’s

As mentioned above, anything in project.dependencies is shown as a requirement on the mod page. If you want to require a particular version of the sdk, you can add a dependency on oak_mod_manager or willow2_mod_manager (as appropriate).

dependencies = [
  'oak_mod_manager >= 1.2',

Since requiring the sdk is somewhat implicit, it remains to be seen if the possible future package manager will need this.