
Reign Of Giants

Mod by: mopioid
Current Version: 1.2


It’s a concept we all know and love: Rare enemy variants, like Loot Midgets and Tubbies. Reign Of Giants extends this to every enemy in the game.

Yes, every enemy in the game! In Reign Of Giants, Psychos, Loaders, Saturn, Loot Midgets, Varkids, Savage Lee, Dexiduous the Invincible… All have a rare chance of spawning as a gigantic version of their normal self.

Upon encountering a Giant, you will be faced with an enemy notably stronger than the common variant, but will be appropriately rewarded. In addition to more XP, Giants drop a guaranteed item from a specialized loot pool.

Currently Supports: BL2


You can download Reign Of Giants here: Download Link

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View the source code here: Source Code