

Mod by: juso
Current Version: 1.0



  1. Download: Pawn Grenade
  2. Add the Pokelands.blcm to the PawnGrenade.blcm using BLCMM and let it overwrite anything it wants.
    2b. Tick the Offline box in BLCMM to change the Hotfix method. For me the normal online one didn’t work when tested.
    2c. Save the changes, you may now close BLCMM.
  3. Add the Nasty Suprise to your characters inventory, preferably with a low fuse.
  4. In Game, first exec PawnGrenade.blcm, then enable the Pokelands SDK mod.
  5. Thats it.

Currently Supports: BL2


You can download Pokelands here: Download Link

Report issues here: Issue Tracker

View the source code here: Source Code

This mod is licensed using MIT ?