
Offline Helpers

Mod by: apple1417
Current Version: 1.3


Adds several small features useful when playing offline.

  • Fixes a crash when trying to chat while not connected to SHiFT.
  • Adds an option to force your game to never connect to SHiFT.
  • Adds an option to automatically hide the offline warning.

Note that using ‘Force Offline Mode’ will cause issues when running offline mod files - you need to manually open your mod file in a text editor, search for GearboxAccountData_1 and change the 1 to a 0. You will need to do this every time you re-save the file in BLCMM.

Currently Supports: BL2 + TPS + AoDK


You can download Offline Helpers here: Download Link

View the source code here: Source Code

This mod is licensed using GNU GPLv3 ?